While circus schools across the USA are closed or restricted to prevent the spread of COVID-19, here are some resources for keeping circus youth active and having fun!
Virtual AYCOfest 2021
Register now for our online festival of circus fun for youth of all levels April 17-18th!
Meet other kids and teens from all over, learn interesting and useful skills, discover new things, and geek out about everything circus-related! For one ticket price, you can pick and choose which sessions to attend over the weekend – and some will even be recorded to watch later on your own time!
Live Online Classes
Check out our list of circus organizations holding online classes!
Whether you’ve always wanted to take a circus class or you’re a circus student who can’t be at your usual circus space in person, you can take a circus class from the comfort of home and support a circus school, studio, or organization impacted by COVID-19! Stay fit, learn new skills, and maintain community.
At-Home Circus Activities
**Please note that AYCO does NOT recommend aerial activities at home**

Circus Smirkus Bubble Blowing Tutorial
Wash your hands and have fun with this awesome video from Circus Smirkus on Facebook!
Westchester Circus Arts Activity Videos
Fun coordination games from Westchester Circus Arts‘ Mr. Amazing:
The 7 Stages of Laughter – Trying out this clowning progression from Westchester Circus Arts’ Mr. Amazing is guaranteed to boost your mood!
Kneesy, Earsy, Nosey – Check out this quick and silly circus coordination game to make your day more fun!
Crazy Arms – Feeling cooped up? Get your body moving with this simple but challenging coordination game!
Circus ABCs Game – Can you make all these circus positions? How fast can you follow directions?

Cirque du Soleil Connect
#cirqueconnect features special content you can access from home – virtual reality tours, workout videos, face painting tutorials, and more!
The Social Circus Coloring-In Book!
The Social Circus Coloring-In Book is an international project from SocialCircus.com with pages from social circuses all around the world! Available for downloading and printing at home in exchange for a donation of any amount.
Circus World Museum Print At Home Coloring Book
Have fun learning about the state of Wisconsin’s stupendous circus heritage while coloring with the free Circus World Museum Print At Home Coloring Book!
DIY Circus Lab for Kids: A Family- Friendly Guide for Juggling, Balancing, Clowning and Show-Making by Jackie Leigh Davis
This is a physical book you can buy filled with awesome circus activities like making your own props – and has links to how-to videos online too!
Stay Busy! Suggested activities from YPAD:

Stay at Home Suggested Activities from Amilia