🎉 Congrats Emily – November #AYCOPhotoContest Winner

This is Emily Fulton, a 16-year-old hand balancer and aerialist from New Hampshire. Emily is on the AYCO Hup Squad and dreams of one day attending professional circus school before joining a contemporary circus company. This photo was taken during golden hour at Jockey’s Ridge State Park, the tallest living sand dune system on the Atlantic Coast.


AYCO Monthly Newsletter

AYCO Monthly Newsletter
AYCO Youth Membership costs $35 per year and is for anyone 21 and under and college students who are passionate about circus arts. This is your chance to plug into the national circus community, network and show off  your circus pride.


Membership benefits include:

  • Surprise swag mailed to your door three times a year
  • Eligibility to perform in AYCO event showcases
  • Discounts on events and merchandise
  • Monthly email AYCOgram newsletter filled with circus opportunities, news, and videos just for you!
  • Want to join? Grab an adult and click the button below!

In this Issue of AYCO News:

Click to go directly to section news!

👥 Let’s Connect

Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. You’ll get engaging circus content and our favorite shares from our members. 

Be sure to tag us using #AmericanYouthCircusOrganization and use our new hashtags: #WeCircusBetterTogether and #TheFutureIsCircus (You can follow these hashtags too!)


Tuesday November 29th 2022 is Giving Tuesday!

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, November 19th – Giving Tuesday! Look out for our Facebook fundraiser and contribute to help us meet our goal and unlock a matching donation! Circus arts education promotes healthy mental, physical, and emotional youth development. AYCO/ACE helps make this work possible by providing vital community networking, discussions, and events for circus educators as well as important resources and support for circus schools and organizations!
This year during Giving Tuesday we’ll also be thinking about everything we’re grateful for – help us to spread the appreciation vibes!


  • Step One: Tag someone in your circus community that you’re grateful for!
  • Step Two: Use the hashtag #CircusGratitude
  • Step Three (optional): Donate to our fundraiser – we’ll be extra grateful

Thank you – we’re grateful for you, our circus community!


AYCO Fashion

Show off your circus and get your AYCO gear from our online store. PS they also make great holiday gifts for your favorite circus instructors!

2023 Hup Squad Applications are open!

Are you or do you know a circus obsessed teen who wants to join AYCO’s Hup Squad Youth Action Team? Applications are now open for our 2023 Hup Squad! Apply by January 1. 
The AYCO Hup Squad is a group of super cool, circus obsessed teens. The Squad designs and creates content such as reviews, interviews, and articles for the AYCO CircusIsMyLife blog and AYCOgrams, and advises on swag for youth members and AYCO’s social media presence. Hup Squad members receive special Hup Squad Swag, access to interview professional artists, and opportunities to see and review performances and events. Being on the Squad means you get both the prestige of being a national youth circus leader and a built-in peer community to support your developing leadership.


New Hup Squad Blog Posts

Take a read at our latest blog post! And be sure to share with a circus friend!  


The ACE Educators Conference 2022: A Personal Review
In October of 2022, Guest Writer Stacy Gubar had the incredible honor of attending the American Circus Educators EdCon. The event itself was an experience like no other, but even more exciting was seeing ideas manifest to reality. Continue Reading…

The Importance of Warm Up

IAs circus performers, we love learning new tricks, impressive feats, and pushing ourselves to do hard things. It’s tempting to jump right into a training session, and not “waste time” with a warm up or cool down but in actuality this will do way more harm in the long run than good. You’ll get more out of your training if you prepare your body for the training, and protect it from injury so that you can continue to train. Continue Reading…


The Importance of Assistance

Hup Squader Annika Egerstedt recently graduated from high school and moved from Atlanta to Las Vegas to attend college. She shares her experience of moving, stepping outside of her comfort zone and how important her support system is. Continue Reading…

Circus Harmony Holiday Camps & Circus Sampler

Circus Harmony will be offering circus Holiday Camps in December and Circus Sampler Classes during January, in their downtown St Louis, City Museum ring. They started filming for their second Architecture and Acrobats project. This one is at Fort Belle Fontaine, along the Missouri River. See clips on their social media. 


Holiday Traincation @NECCA!

Ring in the New Year with NECCA! Book private lessons over your holiday break and create your own circus training program. Train in our custom built Trapezium (with heated floors!) then head out to the winter wonderland of Vermont for skiing, snowmobiling, and snowshoeing, or just cozy up to a warm fire with a cup of hot chocolate. Treat yourself to the circus training you’ve been dreaming of and level up with our world renowned coaches!
WHEN: Dec. 2022 – Jan. 2023.
Book soon to lock in 2022 pricing – any lessons booked before Jan. 1, 2023 receive 2022 rates for you and your friends!
WHERE: 10 Town Crier Dr.
Brattleboro, VT 05301
BOOK by filling out this form.
PRIVATE LESSON INFO: https://necenterforcircusarts.org/training/private-lessons/
LODGING/TRANSPORTATION INFO: https://necenterforcircusarts.org/contact/visit-necca/


VIVA 2023 Registration Open

VIVA Fest is excited to announce that registration for the 2023 festival is now open! Early registrants will receive a free ticket to the World Circus Arts Championships, which will be held in conjunction with VIVA Fest. This is a great opportunity to see some of the world’s best circus performers compete, and we encourage everyone to take advantage of this offer. Early registration ends November 30th, so don’t delay! Register today and join us for an unforgettable experience.


CSAW Circus School Application Deadline Mastersheet

Are You, Your Students or Your Kiddos Getting Ready to Audition for Circus Schools This Year? CSAW is Here to Help!
CSAW – Connecting Circus Students Around the World has released their 2022 Circus School Application Deadline Mastersheet! Click here: https://bit.ly/csawcircusschoolsheet
This spreadsheet includes:
• Circus schools
• Links to applications
• Application deadlines
• Audition dates
• The CSAW Ambassador for the school 
• How to contact that ambassador! 
• What is a CSAW Ambassador? 
A CSAW Ambassador is a current student of their international circus school. They are here to support you through applying, auditioning and attending circus school. If you have a question about a school just send the Ambassador an email or a DM and get an honest answer from a student of that school asap!
There are currently 16 CSAW Ambassadors to help future circus generations. You can find all of the current CSAW Ambassadors by clicking here: https://www.csawcircus.org/ambassadors

Circus Up’s Community Troupe

Circus Up’s community troupe, Kirkos, has performed 11 shows at festivals and community events throughout the greater Boston area in 2022. Some of these have included the Wake Up the Earth Festival, Fenway Porchfest, and the Commonwealth Circus Center student shows. Check out their latest performance at the Circus Up Benefit here! 


Game of the Month: Migrations (a variation of Viewpoints)

Materials: None

How to Play: This game can be played with or without an audience, though I find it works better with an audience. Set up an “offstage” area on either side of the playing space. Let the group on stage know the rules. 
1. The goal is to cross the space 
2. You may not stop on stage 
3. The stage can never be empty. 

Encourage them to try as many different ways to cross as possible while also letting them know it’s okay to just walk as well as to copy others if they see something they like. The facilitator calls the stop/start of the game – as well as if the stage is empty. As the students at the end – what was interesting, what was funny, what did they see that they liked?
If you like this game, be sure to check out our Games Book! You can purchase directly from the AYCO/ACE store, on Amazon (print and eBook available), or as an eBook from a variety of vendors! Don’t miss your chance to have this great teaching tool! 


Got a game you’d love to share? Reply to this email and tell us about it!


Discounts for AYCO/ACE Members

Want to get discounts with these awesome Circus vendors? Discounts are just another awesome perk of being an ACE member.  Become a member today!

Like discounts like this? The more our members use them, the more leverage we have as an organization to encourage companies to provide discounts!


AYCO News Article Submission

Interested in including your news or events relevant to the national circus community in AYCO/ACE’s newsletters? Send your submissions to communications@americanyouthcircus.org by the 2nd Friday of the month to be included in our monthly newsletter. Submissions should be no longer than 150 words, written in the third person, and include appropriate links and contact information if relevant. We cannot include PDFs or images, but we can link to them. Please also indicate if you would like your submission included in the AYCOgram (directed towards youth), ACE News (directed towards organizations and educators), or both.


Thank you to our Gold Members!


We Are The American Youth Circus Organization!




PO Box 1123, Easthampton, MA 01027

We are a nonprofit 501(c)3


Support AYCO with a Donation

🎉 Congrats Adelyn – October #AYCOPhotoContest Winner

In this picture, Adelyn is showing off her aerial splits in silks during the “Kids Night In” event hosted by Brande Morrow of Aerial Spirit at Virginia Beach Aerial Arts Collective. @aerialspiritdance @vbaerialartscollective


In this Issue of AYCO News:

Click to go directly to section news!

AYCO Monthly Newsletter

AYCO Youth Membership costs $35 per year and is for anyone 21 and under and college students who are passionate about circus arts. This is your chance to plug into the national circus community, network and show off  your circus pride.


Membership benefits include:

  • Surprise swag mailed to your door three times a year
  • Eligibility to perform in AYCO event showcases
  • Discounts on events and merchandise
  • Monthly email AYCOgram newsletter filled with circus opportunities, news, and videos just for you!

Want to join? Grab an adult and click the button below!

👥 Let’s Connect

Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. You’ll get engaging circus content and our favorite shares from our members. 

Be sure to tag us using #AmericanYouthCircusOrganization and use our new hashtags: #WeCircusBetterTogether and #TheFutureIsCircus (You can follow these hashtags too!)


Giving Tuesday

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, November 19th – Giving Tuesday! Look out for our Facebook fundraiser and contribute to help us meet our goal and unlock a matching donation! Circus arts education promotes healthy mental, physical, and emotional youth development. AYCO/ACE helps make this work possible by providing vital community networking, discussions, and events for circus educators as well as important resources and support for circus schools and organizations!
This year during Giving Tuesday we’ll also be thinking about everything we’re grateful for – help us to spread the appreciation vibes!

  • Step One: Tag someone in your circus community that you’re grateful for!
  • Step Two: Use the hashtag #CircusGratitude
  • Step Three (optional): Donate to our fundraiser – we’ll be extra grateful

AYCO Fashion

Show off your circus and get your AYCO gear from our online store. PS they also make great holiday gifts for your favorite circus instructors!

New Hup Squad Blog Posts

Take a read at our latest blog post! And be sure to share with a circus friend!  


Improving Through Injuries

Injuries are common for athletes. Our bodies get tired from excessive use. And when an injury happens, it’s difficult to continue training and maintain strength as the injury heals. Continue Reading…


The New England Center for Circus Arts’ Virtual Alumni Showcase brings together dazzling performers gracing the cyber stage from across the globe for a high-flying online event featuring graduates of NECCA. The artists will live emcee each other’s pre-recorded circus acts sharing stories of their journey from NECCA to the world stage followed by a real time Q&A for direct audience interaction. Meet your favorite NECCA performers and raise funds for outreach and programing at NECCA.
WHEN: Sat, Nov. 12 at 7:00 pm EST
WHERE: Online
PRICING: $15 single viewer
| $25 multiple viewers on 1 device
| $50 Supporter Ticket (donations accepted)
BUY TICKETS: https://our.show/alumni2022

MORE INFO: https://necenterforcircusarts.org/about/alumni-showcase


VIVA 2023 Registration Open

VIVA Fest is excited to announce that registration for the 2023 festival is now open! Early registrants will receive a free ticket to the World Circus Arts Championships, which will be held in conjunction with VIVA Fest. This is a great opportunity to see some of the world’s best circus performers compete, and we encourage everyone to take advantage of this offer. Early registration ends November 30th, so don’t delay! Register today and join us for an unforgettable experience.


Contribute to the 2022 CSAW Fundraiser

The THIRD ANNUAL CSAW Fundraiser is Here! Can you help CSAW raise $25,000 to continue providing grants for US Circus Artists of Color?
This year CSAW is raising $25K in order to:

Offer yet ANOTHER year of $1K microgrants to US Circus Artists of Color
Continue to provide resources for circus artists around the world
AND Ensure the sustainability of our organization by paying our staff for their work!
CSAW is a non-profit circus organization that works to increase accessibility of information and funding for circus artists of all backgrounds. By October 1st 2022, CSAW will have awarded $41,500 in grant funding to 30 different US Circus Artists of Color. Can you help them continue to provide these resources for BIPOC artists? CSAW is committed to continuing to take action against racism and they hope you will join them in these efforts.
CSAW will be raising $25,000 again this year to fund our Microgrant Program and to support more grant programming in 2023!  All grant awardees are chosen by paid selection committees composed entirely of established circus artists of color.
To date, more than 250 U.S. circus artists of color have applied for CSAW grants. CSAW knows that these long-term, sustainable, programs are crucial to our community. They need your help to continue them. Donate and learn more at: https://igg.me/at/csawgrants2022


The 10th Annual West Coast Aerial Arts Festival (WCAAF) is open for registration!

The 10th Annual West Coast Aerial Arts Festival (WCAAF) is open for registration!
November 10 – 13, 2022
Aerial Dance Theater, Costa Mesa, California
Competition Dates: November 11 & 12, 2022
This aerial competition features categories ranging from 7-year-olds to seniors, novice to professional, various apparatuses, and group entries. Competitors receive participation medals, judges’ feedback, and swag bags. The premium competition package includes an audience ticket and free workshop taught by established educators. Top three winners receive cash prizes, a trophy or medal, social media exposure, and the opportunity to perform their winning piece in the award ceremony. Best of all, participants get to make new friends, choreograph pieces with fellow aerialists, and visit Southern California attractions like Disneyland and Hollywood!
Celebrating a decade of festivities, WCAAF provides community and competition that nurtures and inspires professional and non-professional aerialists. To learn more: www.westcoastaerialartsfestival.com.


CSAW Circus School Application Deadline Mastersheet

Are You, Your Students or Your Kiddos Getting Ready to Audition for Circus Schools This Year? CSAW is Here to Help!
CSAW – Connecting Circus Students Around the World has released their 2022 Circus School Application Deadline Mastersheet! Click here: https://bit.ly/csawcircusschoolsheet
This spreadsheet includes:
• Circus schools
• Links to applications
• Application deadlines
• Audition dates
• The CSAW Ambassador for the school 
• How to contact that ambassador! 
• What is a CSAW Ambassador? 
A CSAW Ambassador is a current student of their international circus school. They are here to support you through applying, auditioning and attending circus school. If you have a question about a school just send the Ambassador an email or a DM and get an honest answer from a student of that school asap!
There are currently 16 CSAW Ambassadors to help future circus generations. You can find all of the current CSAW Ambassadors by clicking here: https://www.csawcircus.org/ambassadors

Game of the Month: Check out the ACE GAMES Book!

If you like seeing the game of the month, then you’ll love the ACE Games Book! It’s packed with over 100 games for use in cooperative movement based settings, this is a must have for every circus school, teaching artist, and arts education program! (It also makes a great holiday gift – wink wink!)

Each game includes age, number of participants, and a number of tags including ice breaker, non-contact, and include special notes for working with a variety of populations that may require adaptation or modifications to each game.
You can purchase directly from the AYCO/ACE store, on Amazon (print and eBook available), or as an eBook from a variety of vendors! Don’t miss your chance to have this great teaching tool! 


Got a game you’d love to share? Reply to this email and tell us about it!


Discounts for AYCO/ACE Members

Want to get discounts with these awesome Circus vendors? Discounts are just another awesome perk of being an ACE member.  Become a member today!

Like discounts like this? The more our members use them, the more leverage we have as an organization to encourage companies to provide discounts!


AYCO News Article Submission

Interested in including your news or events relevant to the national circus community in AYCO/ACE’s newsletters? Send your submissions to communications@americanyouthcircus.org by the 2nd Friday of the month to be included in our monthly newsletter. Submissions should be no longer than 150 words, written in the third person, and include appropriate links and contact information if relevant. We cannot include PDFs or images, but we can link to them. Please also indicate if you would like your submission included in the AYCOgram (directed towards youth), ACE News (directed towards organizations and educators), or both.


Thank you to our Gold Members!


We Are The American Youth Circus Organization!




PO Box 1123, Easthampton, MA 01027

We are a nonprofit 501(c)3


Support AYCO with a Donation

🎉 Congrats Briella – September #AYCOPhotoContest Winner

Congratulations Briella! This action photo was taken with her coach @agus.afs at Vertical Fix in Tempe, Arizona. Briella defies all odds stacked against her with a spinal chord/nerve injury that paralyzed her arm at birth. This firecracker is working with synthetic nerves and works hard at strengthening so she can fulfill her dreams of being a part of Cirque du Soleil. 


In this Issue of AYCO News:

Click to go directly to section news!

AYCO Monthly Newsletter

AYCO Youth Membership costs $35 per year and is for anyone 21 and under and college students who are passionate about circus arts. This is your chance to plug into the national circus community, network and show off  your circus pride.


Membership benefits include:

  • Surprise swag mailed to your door three times a year
  • Eligibility to perform in AYCO event showcases
  • Discounts on events and merchandise
  • Monthly email AYCOgram newsletter filled with circus opportunities, news, and videos just for you!

Want to join? Grab an adult and click the button below!

👥 Let’s Connect

Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. You’ll get engaging circus content and our favorite shares from our members. 

Be sure to tag us using #AmericanYouthCircusOrganization and use our new hashtags: #WeCircusBetterTogether and #TheFutureIsCircus (You can follow these hashtags too!)

New Hup Squad Blog Posts

Take a read at our latest blog post! And be sure to share with a circus friend!  


How the HUP Squaders spent their Summer!

Wow! The Hup Squad had a jam packed summer full of workshops, intensives, and more! Read on to find out more about all the different programs and places they traveled to Continue Reading…


Changing Your Mindset

Many of us in circus and sports communities in general struggle with feelings of self doubt and comparing ourselves with others. I found myself struggling with these feelings a lot this summer when I was in a circus intensive program. I’ve trained mainly in aerial, and I didn’t have the tumbling, dance, or hand balancing backgrounds that some of the other participants had. This led me, especially at the beginning, to have a lot of doubt about whether or not I deserved to be there and I worried  about my abilities. Continue Reading…

2-Part Virtual Tent Workshop

Join the American Circus Alliance for a two part virtual tent workshop! 


Part 1: Considerations before you buy a Circus Tent 

So you want to buy a circus tent?  Talk to the experts about what to consider before you buy. Also known as ‘don’t get surprised by all the incidentals’, budgeting for lots of stakes and sledge hammers, planning the initial set up, anticipating all the maintenance, etc.Led by Nat Brown – tent owner, and consultant for buyers and users.


When: September 19 (Monday), 12 – 1 pm Eastern


Part 2: Touring with a Tent aka Logistics

Before you buy a circus tent, understand the logistics of touring with it – trucks and trailers, permits, location scouting, seating, electricity, water, parking, and more. Led by Danny Rodriguez – Operations Director, UniverSoul Circus.


When: October 17 (Monday) 12 – 1 pm Eastern


Both are free for ACA members/ annual membership is only $25/year
Register at www.americancircusalliance.org


Contribute to the 2022 CSAW Fundraiser

The THIRD ANNUAL CSAW Fundraiser is Here! Can you help CSAW raise $25,000 to continue providing grants for US Circus Artists of Color?
This year CSAW is raising $25K in order to:

Offer yet ANOTHER year of $1K microgrants to US Circus Artists of Color
Continue to provide resources for circus artists around the world
AND Ensure the sustainability of our organization by paying our staff for their work!
CSAW is a non-profit circus organization that works to increase accessibility of information and funding for circus artists of all backgrounds. By October 1st 2022, CSAW will have awarded $41,500 in grant funding to 30 different US Circus Artists of Color. Can you help them continue to provide these resources for BIPOC artists? CSAW is committed to continuing to take action against racism and they hope you will join them in these efforts.
CSAW will be raising $25,000 again this year to fund our Microgrant Program and to support more grant programming in 2023!  All grant awardees are chosen by paid selection committees composed entirely of established circus artists of color.
To date, more than 250 U.S. circus artists of color have applied for CSAW grants. CSAW knows that these long-term, sustainable, programs are crucial to our community. They need your help to continue them. Donate and learn more at: https://igg.me/at/csawgrants2022


Acting for Climate | New Circus and Climate Change Action

Acting for Climate Scandinavia is thrilled to invite you to RIPPLES | THE SAILING CIRCUS PERFORMANCE which will be presented at Ofelia Plads, Copenhagen, in September 2022. 
The seed of Acting for Climate was planted in Norway in 2014, with a dream of using our profession as artists to inspire action for a sustainable future. Now, we are a company creating and touring our own performances, and a growing network of people, artists and activists that nurture collaboration for sustainability.
The sailing circus performance “Ripples” set sail across the Baltic sea to inspire people to act for a more sustainable future. Combining performing arts and environmental activism, we set sail for hope, for action and for change. Ripples will be played on decks, and high up in the rig and masts of the sail ship Swallow from 1926.
With extreme acrobatics all the way up to the top of the 20 meters high masts, the ship as stage, a world-class international team of artists, and a soundscape blending in voices of climate activists all around the world, Ripples is a one of a kind performance. We present a voyage into the future, into the hopes of a new generation who feels truly connected to nature and to what being an artist means. Artistic expression is a powerful tool to empower society, to embody ecological grief and hope for the future within the ship’s magnificent framework. 
“Ripples” reaches out to people and creates space to reflect. Join us!
The schedule can be found here: https://www.actingforclimate.com/ripples


Learn Pole and Rope Mallakhamb With Mobile App!

You can now learn Pole and Rope Mallakhamb at your convenience from your space. 
Mallakhamb Federation USA (MFU) has created a Mallakhamb Marketplace ™ to support adoption of Mallakhamb globally. Top 5 features are:


  • Learn Pole and Rope Mallakhamb in three stages – Recreational, Intermediate, and Advanced. Learn Pole and Rope Mallakhamb skills by categories – Mount, Dismount, Yoga, Intercepts and combinations. Videos are ~ 1 min.
  • Collaboration with Mallakhamb enthusiasts. No fake users as user registration requires email and phone validation. 
  • If you need more guidance contact us on mallakhambapp@gmail.com and we will allocate a coach to you for FREE.
  • Rope and Pole Mallakhambs can be sourced through recommendations from Mallakhamb Federation USA (MFU).
  • Learn history of Mallakhamb, apparatus required for learning, different forms of Mallakhamb, competitive Mallakhamb and many more.


Download the app now on iOS and Android.
For any suggestions, concerns please write an email to mallakhambapp@gmail.com.


The 10th Annual West Coast Aerial Arts Festival (WCAAF) is open for registration!

The 10th Annual West Coast Aerial Arts Festival (WCAAF) is open for registration!
November 10 – 13, 2022
Aerial Dance Theater, Costa Mesa, California
Competition Dates: November 11 & 12, 2022
This aerial competition features categories ranging from 7-year-olds to seniors, novice to professional, various apparatuses, and group entries. Competitors receive participation medals, judges’ feedback, and swag bags. The premium competition package includes an audience ticket and free workshop taught by established educators. Top three winners receive cash prizes, a trophy or medal, social media exposure, and the opportunity to perform their winning piece in the award ceremony. Best of all, participants get to make new friends, choreograph pieces with fellow aerialists, and visit Southern California attractions like Disneyland and Hollywood!
Celebrating a decade of festivities, WCAAF provides community and competition that nurtures and inspires professional and non-professional aerialists. To learn more: www.westcoastaerialartsfestival.com.


CSAW Circus School Application Deadline Mastersheet

Are You, Your Students or Your Kiddos Getting Ready to Audition for Circus Schools This Year? CSAW is Here to Help!
CSAW – Connecting Circus Students Around the World has released their 2022 Circus School Application Deadline Mastersheet! Click here: https://bit.ly/csawcircusschoolsheet
This spreadsheet includes:
• Circus schools
• Links to applications
• Application deadlines
• Audition dates
• The CSAW Ambassador for the school 
• How to contact that ambassador! 
• What is a CSAW Ambassador? 
A CSAW Ambassador is a current student of their international circus school. They are here to support you through applying, auditioning and attending circus school. If you have a question about a school just send the Ambassador an email or a DM and get an honest answer from a student of that school asap!
There are currently 16 CSAW Ambassadors to help future circus generations. You can find all of the current CSAW Ambassadors by clicking here: https://www.csawcircus.org/ambassadors

Circus Harmony

Circus Harmony previewed their Architecture and Acrobats program as the keynote at the Missouri History Museum’s Coloring STL exhibit about the architecture of St. Louis. Architecture and Acrobats tells the story of historically and architecturally significant sites in the St Louis through circus arts. 
For the American Circus Educators Conference, October 7-9, in Austin, Circus Harmony staff will be presenting workshops on Circus Class Infrastructure, Two Highs, and Academic/Circus Arts Integration plus serving as part of a Social Circus panel. Are you registered? https://www.americancircuseducators.org/edcon-2022/


Circus Up

Circus Up is proud to announce that their annual benefit will be on Saturday, October 15th. This year’s benefit will be at the beautiful Arts at the Armory in Somerville, MA and will feature an open bar, raffle, and a live performance. We will showcase our community troupe, Kirkos, as well as beloved local circus artists and dancers. This event is Circus Up’s major annual fundraiser and all funds raised from this event will go towards supporting their mission to use circus arts to overcome social barriers and build community with people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. Purchase your ticket or donate here to show your support! 


Game of the Month: Mirroring

Materials Needed: None!

How to play: Have everyone get into pairs. Explain to them that they are going to take
turns acting as the other’s mirror, trying to copy the movements of their
Level One:
Have the partners stand about 2 feet apart – tell them that there is a line exactly in the middle between the two of them, called their “center line.” Partner A will start. It’s partner B’s job to copy their every movement. It’s important to explain to the teams that:

  • They must move slowly at first.
  • The trick is to copy the movements at exactly the same time that they happen, exactly as they are observed.
  • Try to have the partners always be equidistant from their center line.
  • The partners are not allowed to touch.

Once partner A has had a chance to go for a few minutes, have the partners
switch roles.
Level Two:
Ask the partners to add more movement to their actions. Try mirroring each other as they move forward or backwards, use up and down levels, or move around in the room.

  • Remind them that they must maintain their relationship to the center line at all times.

Level Three:
Tell them that this time, there is no specified leader. They have to try to be in sync with each other as they move, never fully knowing who is actually starting each movement.


Discounts for AYCO/ACE Members

Want to get discounts with these awesome Circus vendors? Discounts are just another awesome perk of being an ACE member.  Become a member today!

Like discounts like this? The more our members use them, the more leverage we have as an organization to encourage companies to provide discounts!


AYCO News Article Submission

Interested in including your news or events relevant to the national circus community in AYCO/ACE’s newsletters? Send your submissions to communications@americanyouthcircus.org by the 2nd Friday of the month to be included in our monthly newsletter. Submissions should be no longer than 150 words, written in the third person, and include appropriate links and contact information if relevant. We cannot include PDFs or images, but we can link to them. Please also indicate if you would like your submission included in the AYCOgram (directed towards youth), ACE News (directed towards organizations and educators), or both.


Thank you to our Gold Members!


We Are The American Youth Circus Organization!




PO Box 1123, Easthampton, MA 01027

We are a nonprofit 501(c)3


Support AYCO with a Donation

🎉 Congrats Circus Academy Tucson – August #AYCOPhotoContest Winner

Congratulations to this amazing German wheel trio from Circus Academy Tucson. They are our August AYCO Photo Contest Winners! This amazing shot was captured during Circus Academy Tucson’s advanced circus camp as the trio were crafting together the perfect performance for the ‘Murder Mystery’ showcase! We hear it was a mysterious, humorous, and inspiring display of skills!


In this Issue of AYCO News:

Click to go directly to section news!

AYCO Monthly Newsletter

AYCO Youth Membership costs $35 per year and is for anyone 21 and under and college students who are passionate about circus arts. This is your chance to plug into the national circus community, network and show off  your circus pride.


Membership benefits include:

  • Surprise swag mailed to your door three times a year
  • Eligibility to perform in AYCO event showcases
  • Discounts on events and merchandise
  • Monthly email AYCOgram newsletter filled with circus opportunities, news, and videos just for you!

Want to join? Grab an adult and click the button below!

👥 Let’s Connect

We’re loving all of the follows and friend requests flooding our feed! If you haven’t done so already, connect with us on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. You’ll get engaging circus content and our favorite shares from our members. 

Be sure to tag us using #AmericanYouthCircusOrganization and use our new hashtags: #WeCircusBetterTogether and #TheFutureIsCircus (You can follow these hashtags too!)

Virtual Hang Hup Squad Hangout – Reserve Your Spot Now!

Hup Squad is throwing a virtual youth circus hang time and you’re invited!!


Come hang out with us! Meet, chat, play, and share your experiences with circus friends from around the country.  We’ll have breakout rooms for social stretching, games, and a general hangout space.


This event is *free* to all members and $0-10 for non members! 


Once you register for the event, you will receive an email with a Zoom link!


New Hup Squad Blog Posts

Take a read at our latest blog post! And be sure to share with a circus friend!  


 Postcard from NECCA

Hup Squad member, Daisy is sending you a virtual posted card from NECCA, in Vermont. Check it out! I have been training at NECCA for the past couple weeks for the Performance Boot Camp: a fantastic intensive where we each create and develop our own acts to perform in a show at the end! My experience has been so amazing, from training all day long (an absolute dream) to getting to explore the town of Brattleboro and all the fun things it has to offer (which includes goat yoga)! This program has been a fantastic chance to train seriously, to learn new skills, and to spend my summer away from home! Continue Reading

Training to Failure as An Aerialist Workshop

Training to Failure as An Aerialist Workshop – August 28th, 10:30 EST

Co-taught by Aaron Koz and Max March-Steinman, the When/Why To Train to Failure (TTF) workshop is intended to help you, as a student OR coach, understand the merits and RISKS of training to failure in different types of exercises. Gain an understanding of which exercise types are safer to failure-train and which may be more trouble than they’re worth. Learn a framework for implementing TTF effectively in your broader training structure and program to increase your strength gains while keeping injury risk low. Learn more and sign up here.


The 10th Annual West Coast Aerial Arts Festival (WCAAF) is open for registration!

The 10th Annual West Coast Aerial Arts Festival (WCAAF) is open for registration!
November 10 – 13, 2022
Aerial Dance Theater, Costa Mesa, California
Competition Dates: November 11 & 12, 2022
This aerial competition features categories ranging from 7-year-olds to seniors, novice to professional, various apparatuses, and group entries. Competitors receive participation medals, judges’ feedback, and swag bags. The premium competition package includes an audience ticket and free workshop taught by established educators. Top three winners receive cash prizes, a trophy or medal, social media exposure, and the opportunity to perform their winning piece in the award ceremony. Best of all, participants get to make new friends, choreograph pieces with fellow aerialists, and visit Southern California attractions like Disneyland and Hollywood!
Celebrating a decade of festivities, WCAAF provides community and competition that nurtures and inspires professional and non-professional aerialists. To learn more: www.westcoastaerialartsfestival.com. Early Bird rate ends August 1, 2022.


Let’s roll together! Make a CirqueExperience!

For the fourth year in a row, WheelFest will take place. Wheel Fest is a chance to learn new skills, try new things, and meet new people. You’ll have the opportunity to work with a variety of circus coaches, professionals, and performers.
Workshops include flexibility and stretching, harness training, handstands, Cyr and Gym wheel, and more! Get a chance to learn how to flip and fly in Arcadia, IN at Ripfest https://www.ripfest.net/
There will also be a tournament with single, duo, and fun wheel competition.
Wheel Fest is a great opportunity you don’t want to miss. More information can be found at www.usawheelgymnastics.comThe focus is not only on training, but also on making new contacts and friendships.  

Are you curious? Take a look here: https://www.usawheelgymnastics.com/2021-wheelfest 
Location & date: 
August 17-20 in Chicago, Willye White Park (610 W Howard St, Chicago, IL 60626).  
August 20-21 in Arcadia IN at RIPFEST Diving (108 South Olive St, Arcadia, IN 46030). 
Do you have any questions? Contact Mearieta Clemente: mearieta@gmail.com  


CSAW Circus School Application Deadline Mastersheet

Are You, Your Students or Your Kiddos Getting Ready to Audition for Circus Schools This Year? CSAW is Here to Help!
CSAW – Connecting Circus Students Around the World has released their 2022 Circus School Application Deadline Mastersheet! Click here: https://bit.ly/csawcircusschoolsheet
This spreadsheet includes:
• Circus schools
• Links to applications
• Application deadlines
• Audition dates
• The CSAW Ambassador for the school 
• How to contact that ambassador! 
• What is a CSAW Ambassador? 
A CSAW Ambassador is a current student of their international circus school. They are here to support you through applying, auditioning and attending circus school. If you have a question about a school just send the Ambassador an email or a DM and get an honest answer from a student of that school asap!
There are currently 16 CSAW Ambassadors to help future circus generations. You can find all of the current CSAW Ambassadors by clicking here: https://www.csawcircus.org/ambassadors

Diamond Family Circus

Diamond Family Circus is pleased to again be selected by the Massachusetts Housing Authority as its statewide social circus provider at public housing sites for low-income families, elders, and people with disabilities.  MassHousing’s TAP Resident Programs work to improve quality of life for public housing residents and help to maintain healthy housing communities by offering diverse on-site programs and workshops.


It’s Full Speed Ahead at CircEsteem!

After a successful Summer filled with exciting programming such as CircEsteem’s annual Around Chicago Summer Tour and several sessions of Summer Camp at their Uptown location, CircEsteem welcomes and ushers in the changing season with its Fall programs. Registration for their well-known Homework & CircusWork program, which is situated in several elementary schools throughout Chicago, is currently open, along with Chicago Youth Circus (CYC) Saturday classes at their Uptown location. Registration for CYC’s new location at Humboldt Park Field House, will open soon. Current CircEsteem youths may be considered for Performance Troupe. Stay up-to-date on registration

CircEsteem is also proud to announce that they have purchased the building they reside in and will soon undergo an extensive remodel of their facility, starting January 2023. In addition to a new building, CircEsteem is always open to adding to their team. Come work with them.


Game of the Month: Spiders and Flies

Materials: None!

How to play: This is a tag game! There are two rolls: The Spider and the Flies. The Spider is “it” and can only move in a crab walk. Everybody else are Flies and can only move by hopping on one foot. Once the Spider tags a fly, the Fly also becomes a Spider until everyone is a Spider! 


Discounts for AYCO/ACE Members

Want to get discounts with these awesome Circus vendors? Discounts are just another awesome perk of being an ACE member.  Become a member today!

Like discounts like this? The more our members use them, the more leverage we have as an organization to encourage companies to provide discounts!


AYCO News Article Submission

Interested in including your news or events relevant to the national circus community in AYCO/ACE’s newsletters? Send your submissions to communications@americanyouthcircus.org by the 2nd Friday of the month to be included in our monthly newsletter. Submissions should be no longer than 150 words, written in the third person, and include appropriate links and contact information if relevant. We cannot include PDFs or images, but we can link to them. Please also indicate if you would like your submission included in the AYCOgram (directed towards youth), ACE News (directed towards organizations and educators), or both.


Thank you to our Gold Members!


We Are The American Youth Circus Organization!




PO Box 1123, Easthampton, MA 01027

We are a nonprofit 501(c)3


Support AYCO with a Donation

🎉 Congrats Charlene – June #AYCOPhotoContest Winner

Charlene is 15 and has been doing circus at Trapeze Las Vegas since she was 4. She has toured the world with Le PeTiT CiRqUe, performed for the Nobel Peace Prize Concert, with Lucas Graham, and with Jordan World Circus. She has also done circus stunts in the movies Me Time and Chicken Girls: The Movie.


In this Issue of AYCO News:

Click to go directly to section news!


  AYCO Monthly Newsletter

AYCO Youth Membership costs $35 per year and is for anyone 21 and under and college students who are passionate about circus arts. This is your chance to plug into the national circus community, network and show off  your circus pride.


Membership benefits include:

Surprise swag mailed to your door three times a year
Eligibility to perform in AYCO event showcases
Discounts on events and merchandise
Monthly email AYCOgram newsletter filled with circus opportunities, news, and videos just for you!

Want to join? Grab an adult and click the button below!

👥 Let’s Get Social!

Are you following us on social media? 👀 If not, hit that follow button so we can connect! We want to see more of you in our feed so we can send you social love and share your highlights, training gains, shows and more. You can follow us on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, where we like to keep you up-to-date with what’s going on in the world of circus, with our organization and members. Plus we like to share circus inspo, helpful resources and more. What are you waiting for? Click and connect!

Be sure to tag us using #AmericanYouthCircusOrganization and use our new hashtags: #WeCircusBetterTogether and #TheFutureIsCircus (You can follow these hashtags too!)


New Hup Squad Blog Posts

Our HUP Squad has been hard at work this month, and have written four new blog posts with helpful and insightful circus information. Take a read! And be sure to share with a circus friend!  


Circus in the Pandemic

During the pandemic, we all experienced a radical change. Whether it was a newfound love for online shopping, devotion to cooking, or even, some new form of circus! I personally took up handstands because I was spending so much time surrounded by walls I might as well use them for something! Here are some experiences my fellow Hup Squaders and AYCO Staff had while they were stuck at home. Continue Reading

Review of the 2022 regional AYCOfest

On April 23rd, 70 circus loving youth came together to attend the Regional AYCOFest hosted by the Philadelphia School of Circus Arts. There were 42 workshops offered as well as a showcase where youth performers could show off their amazing skills. One of the Hup Squad team was there to represent, learn, and perform. Please enjoy following review by Jocelyn! Continue Reading

CSAW Circus School Application Deadline Mastersheet

Are You, Your Students or Your Kiddos Getting Ready to Audition for Circus Schools This Year? CSAW is Here to Help!
CSAW – Connecting Circus Students Around the World has released their 2022 Circus School Application Deadline Mastersheet! Click here: https://bit.ly/csawcircusschoolsheet
This spreadsheet includes:
• Circus schools
• Links to applications
• Application deadlines
• Audition dates
• The CSAW Ambassador for the school 
• How to contact that ambassador! 
• What is a CSAW Ambassador? 
A CSAW Ambassador is a current student of their international circus school. They are here to support you through applying, auditioning and attending circus school. If you have a question about a school just send the Ambassador an email or a DM and get an honest answer from a student of that school asap!
There are currently 16 CSAW Ambassadors to help future circus generations. You can find all of the current CSAW Ambassadors by clicking here: https://www.csawcircus.org/ambassadors


Circus Smirkus Camp Registration is OPEN!

At Smirkus Camp, kids develop new ways to challenge themselves, learn skills like teamwork and problem solving, get terrific physical conditioning, and enjoy fun summer camp traditions like singalongs, costume themed dinners, kickball, and more!
This summer, Circus Smirkus is offering the following sessions at Smirkus Camp, including placement-based camps that require a video submission, as marked with ★ below:
Smirkling Camp | 1 day | June 18 | Ages 5-11
All Levels Circus Camp | 1 week | June 19-June 24 | Ages 8-16
All Levels Circus Camp | 2 weeks | June 26-July 8 | Ages 8-16
Intermediate Camp | 2 weeks | July 10-22 | Ages 12-18
★ Intermediate Skills Intensive | 3 weeks | July 24-August 12 | Ages 12-18
★ Advanced Ensemble | 3 weeks | July 24-August 12 | Ages 12-18
★ Advanced Individual Acts | 3 weeks | July 24-August 12 | Ages 12-18
Get more information and sign up at www.smirkus.org/camp-sessions


The Circus Smirkus 2022 Big Top Tour Opens July 2!

Get your tickets to come see the 2022 Big Top Tour: On the Road Again. Come see the joy of 30 circus youth ages 11-18 perform under our beautiful Big Top on tour across New England in our 35th Anniversary show! Full details at www.smirkus.org/about-big-top-tour/

★ Greensboro, VT:  July 2
★ Essex Junction, VT:  July 6, 7, 8 & 10
★ Hanover, NH: July 13, 14, 16, 17 
★ Marshfield, MA: July 20-23
★ Waltham, MA: July 26-August 1 (includes our annual Gala: The Smirktacular on June 28)
★ Newbury, MA: August 4-5
★ Kennebunkport, ME: August 9-10
★ Greensboro, VT: August 13-14


Frequent Flyers Aerial Dance presents the 24th International Aerial Dance Festival

Aerial Dance Festival 2022: July 31-August 12. Boulder, CO.
3-Hour Immersions, 90-Minute Classes, Workshops, Panels, Performances, and more in-person in Boulder, CO! Learn from this year’s incredible line-up of Faculty Artists: Megan Cattau, Terry Crane, Gena DuBose, Cosmo Dudley, Danielle Hendricks, Shannon McKenna, Valerie Morris, Nancy Smith, Sofia Rodriguez, and Anastasia Timina. Join us for one week or two! Learn More and Register Here.


Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center: Summer Circus & Dance Creation Lab Auditions

The Summer Circus & Dance Creation Lab is a two-week program that culminates in a performance.  Students will have the opportunity to take technique classes in dance and circus such as contemporary dance, jazz, hip-hop, aerial silks, trapeze, lyra, juggling, and acrobatics. Students will have the opportunity to choose their technique classes for the two weeks.  Pending on the goals of the students (see Audition Form), we have the capacity to include faculty in other disciplines such as African Dance, Latin Dance, Cyr Wheel, and Aerial Straps.

When: July 18 – 29 (2 weeks) | Performance July 30
For Ages 8+
*Virtual Audition Required
Deadline: April 22 or when all spaces are full ​
Get more details at: https://www.cltcirquedancecenter.org/summercreationlab


Fit, Fabulous & Fearless Virtual Bootcamp

Is it possible to look fabulous dancing/moving, feel amazing in your body, AND remain joyful? Absolutely, it is. But is it as easy as some people make it out to be? Definitely not. If you want to successfully look stunning and feel vibrant at the same time, there are a few things you need to know. (And we’re going to tell you!)

Found out what they are in the Fit, Fabulous and Fearless Bootcamp. It’s 14 straight days of wholehearted access to top experts who want to help YOU become a healthier, confident and breathtaking dancer/mover/artist. Our panel includes dancers, artistic athletes, physical therapists, registered dietitians, personal trainers, body image coaches & psychologists that are excited to share their stories, struggles and breakthroughs while busting popular beliefs about body image, fitness and health.

Claim your free front row seat to this epic online event. Learn more and sign up here.


Flying Gravity Circus Introduces High School Circus Studies Program

WILTON, NH — Flying Gravity Circus (FGC) is partnering with High Mowing School (HMS) to offer the residential Circus Studies Program (CSP). Aspiring circus artists get:

  • A liberal, arts and sciences high-school education, and
  • Training in physical and artistic circus skills and performance.

“This is the only program like it in the United States — and is a culmination of years of planning and a decade of dreaming,” says Jon Roitman, FGC artistic director and CSP program director. 

The CSP includes:

  • Academic Classes: math, science, English, world language
  • Growing Circus Curriculum: sports psychology, nutrition, anatomy, career management
  • On-Site Circus Training: in our fully equipped studio
  • Performance: in FGC’s advanced troupe 

CSP graduates will have the academic credits required by traditional colleges, plus the skills to apply to a circus college or support a performing arts career.  

Learn more at www.highmowing.org/circus.


Nimble Arts Workshops are back!

June 20 – 24: Nimble Arts Introduction to Teaching Aerials hosted by NECCA in Brattleboro, VT for anyone embarking on or expanding your teaching practice.  Learn the foundations including spotting, skill progressions, classroom management, posture analysis, injury prevention etc.


July 2-7: Tree Dancing Workshop in collaboration with certified arborist, in Weare, NH. Learn the ropes of how to ascend into trees and dance with them in this outdoor combination of aerials, harness dancing and creativity.  Great for beginners and experienced movers alike this workshop is excellent for generating environmentally focused creative material within the natural landscape.


For info & registration visit: http://nimblearts.org/upcomingworkshop

Circus Harmony’s Amazing Alumni

Circus Harmony congratulates their alumni, Kyran Walton and Oliver Layher, on their graduation from Ecole Nationale de Cirque, their first professional contract with Seven Fingers, and on their first international circus festival, Young Stage, where they were awarded three prizes!
St. Louis Arches alumni, Claire Wallenda, will be appearing with Circus Flora alongside the current St Louis Arches.
Melvin Diggs and Terrance Robinson are touring with Cirque du Soliel’s Luzia which is currently in Geneva, Switzerland.
Chauncey Kroner is coaching the new hoop diving act which will be part of Circus Harmony’s Architecture and Acrobats!
Kellin Quinn and his partner, Danielle Saulnier, will be spending the summer performing on Iles de la Madeleine in Quebec for Cirque Eloize. 
Tiffany Harris is a 5th grade teacher at Ames Elementary School. Her students took Circus Harmony’s Circus Science class this Spring and did an end of year show. 
Keaton Hentoff-Killian was just at Circus Harmony visiting and did some great guest coaching before rejoining Circa Contemporary Circus for a performances in Romania and the Canary Islands. 


Game of the Month: I’m Sorry, Did You Say…

How to play: Have one student create the beginning of a fiction story in front of the class. Ask students to raise their hand and interrupt the story by saying, “I’m sorry, did you say…” and change a detail in the story. The storyteller then repeats the sentence with the new addition/suggestion and continues the story. After a few minutes, change the storyteller.
Variation: Have the storyteller choose when to call on someone to change the story. Work in pairs or groups of 4. 
Reflections: At the end, debrief with the group; how did someone else’s ideas affect your story? How was your creativity challenged?

CSAW Microgrants for US Circus Artists of Color

CSAW – Connection Circus Students Around the World met their fundraising goal for the second year in a row and it means that they can provide another year of Microgrants! To be eligible to apply for a CSAW Microgrant for US Circus Artists of Color you must identify as a person of color who is a citizen, resident alien, or permanent resident of the United States looking to further their education in circus and/or fund their circus related projects and needs. All applicants must be 14 years or older to apply for and receive a Microgrant. Applications are open from the 1st-15th of every month. For more information click here.


Discounts for AYCO/ACE Members

Want to get discounts with these awesome Circus vendors? Discounts are just another awesome perk of being an ACE member.  Become a member today!

Like discounts like this? The more our members use them, the more leverage we have as an organization to encourage companies to provide discounts!


AYCO News Article Submission

Interested in including your news or events relevant to the national circus community in AYCO/ACE’s newsletters? Send your submissions to communications@americanyouthcircus.org by the 2nd Friday of the month to be included in our monthly newsletter. Submissions should be no longer than 150 words, written in the third person, and include appropriate links and contact information if relevant. We cannot include PDFs or images, but we can link to them. Please also indicate if you would like your submission included in the AYCOgram (directed towards youth), ACE News (directed towards organizations and educators), or both.


Thank you to our Gold Members!


We Are The American Youth Circus Organization!




PO Box 1123, Easthampton, MA 01027

We are a nonprofit 501(c)3


Support AYCO with a Donation

Congrats to the May #AYCOPhotoContest winner Sharon. For the last 12 years, Circus has given the opportunity to travel the world performing and teaching (46 countries) and I can truly say that Circus really is one big family & we don’t need to speak the same language to communicate & share our skills when we already speak circus.


  AYCO Monthly Newsletter

AYCO Youth Membership costs $35 per year and is for anyone 21 and under and college students who are passionate about circus arts. This is your chance to plug into the national circus community, network and show off  your circus pride.


Membership benefits include:

  • Surprise swag mailed to your door three times a year
  • Eligibility to perform in AYCO event showcases
  • Discounts on events and merchandise
  • Monthly email AYCOgram newsletter filled with circus opportunities, news, and videos just for you!

Want to join? Grab an adult and click the button below!

🤑 New Member Discounts

Hey AYCO Family, more exciting news! We just added another new discount to your membership perks! Our friends at Circus Boss are hooking you up with savings on business workshops! So if you’re looking to become a Confident Circus Entrepreneur then be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this email or check the Member Deals and Discount Center for details!


👥 Let’s Get Social!

Are you following us on social media? 👀 If not, hit that follow button so we can connect! We want to see more of you in our feed so we can send you social love and share your highlights, training gains, shows and more. You can follow us on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, where we like to keep you up-to-date with what’s going on in the world of circus, with our organization and members. Plus we like to share circus inspo, helpful resources and more. What are you waiting for? Click and connect!

Be sure to tag us using #AmericanYouthCircusOrganization and use our new hashtags: #WeCircusBetterTogether and #TheFutureIsCircus (You can follow these hashtags too!)


📅 EdCon 2022: Save the date!!

EdCon registration is LIVE and October will be here before you know it!  This years event will be held at Sky Candy in Austin, TX October 7-9th 2022! We are thrilled with the positive response as the circus community is already buzzing with excitement after such a long hiatus! We can’t wait to see you there!

This 3-day event is just what the circus world needs. Packed with workshops, discussions, private lessons, special learning opportunities and more, this is sure to be an event you don’t want to miss. Be sure to register and schedule your travel and lodging accommodations sooner rather than later to lock in the best rates and secure your spot.


We have made EdCon ticket pricing as accessible as possible – simply choose where you fall on the sliding scale. Please not that you must be an ACE member to attend, as EdCon is by and for the circus education community – and ACE membership is also priced on a sliding scale for accessibility and equity.


In addition to attending EdCon, there are a few other ways for you to get involved. We are looking for presenters and volunteers to help make this an experience to remember – applications for both are open until July 1, 2022.


⚠️ Just a heads up, EdCon is happening the same weekend as ACL (Austin City Limits – a huge music festival) and accommodations will both get booked up fast *and* be pricey if you wait. Check out our website to get our top tips on booking your accommodations. 


🗣️ ACE Discussion Series 2022

🗓 Tuesday July 12th, 2022: Shoulder Health

In this discussion, we’ll be diving into Myofascial release, mobility, and recovery for the shoulder. If you’ve ever experienced training setbacks due to shoulder injuries or immobility then this workshop is for you. We’ll briefly discuss the anatomy of the shoulder and move to the hands-on portion where we’ll practice evidence-based myofascial release, mobility, stability, and strengthening exercises.

It’s important you leave with the confidence and competence to immediately begin integrating this methodology and these techniques. This is why we’ll spend the remaining time discussing how you can transfer these new skills to your own training and self-care programs, as well as those of your students. 

The systems approach we will take stems from our research-based, internationally-known RAD Mobility Continuum, which is also present in our Healthy Shoulders programming available online.

Equipment needed: (use discount code RADCIRCUS15% for 15% off one order)

RAD Rounds, Point Release Kit, or tennis ball and yoga block
Light resistance band
RAD Rod or stick

Upcoming ACE discussions to add to your calendar:

🗓 Tuesday September 13th, 2022: Substance Use, Misuse, and Abuse

🗓 Tuesday November 8th, 2022: Opening and Closing Routines for Inclusive Circus Practice


About the ACE Discussion Series:

The American Circus Educators Association is excited to present a bimonthly online discussion series for continuing education and professional development for circus educators. Each session is based on a particular topic and facilitated by a community expert in that topic!


Attendance is FREE to current ACE/AYCO members.
Non-members pay a small sliding-scale fee, $5-20.
Space per session is limited.


Sessions are one hour long, every other month on the second Tuesday, at 12pm Eastern Time/11am Central Time/10am Mountain Time/9am Pacific Time. The sessions are not recorded, in order to create a space where attendees are comfortable participating fully in discussion – though some of the facilitator’s introduction may be recorded and made available to registrants after the session. Check out the upcoming events below!

New Hup Squad Blog Posts

Our HUP Squad has been hard at work this month, and have written four new blog posts with helpful and insightful circus information. Take a read! And be sure to share with a circus friend!  


Learn more about the nuts and bolts of Aerial Fabric Rigging

Safe rigging is essential to ensure aerialists stay safe in the air. While rigging should be done only by someone trained in rigging, it’s important for all aerialists to understand their equipment, basic rigging, and how often equipment should be checked and inspected. Continue Reading

AYCO Board Member Marisa Diamond

Marisa Diamond is an active board member for AYCO as well as co-founder of the Diamond Family Circus and created and directed the first International Circus Film Festival. Marisa began her circus journey at the age of 6 having done gymnastics 3 years prior. After seeing a Circus Smirkus tour show and taking a session with Tito Gaona through her Girl Scout troop, she fell in love with the circus. Continue Reading

Safety Spotlight: The Circus Academy of Tucson

The Circus Academy of Tucson provides aerial and circus arts education through recreational programs, performance troupes, camps, and community outreach for participants of all ages. Their goal is to offer circus to ALL in the community who wish to participate regardless of age, body type, socio economic status, race, religion, culture, physical or developmental challenges, gender identity, or any perceived barrier to participation.
They strive to offer a well-rounded education that goes beyond circus arts. The Circus Academy of Tucson is part of their student’s overall educational life working towards becoming prepared adults and responsible community members. This includes offering community service opportunities and lessons on setting and completing goals, working as part of a team and exploring the self to develop awareness and grow as human beings and world citizens.
“Being a part of the safety program really helped me to think deeply about safety and our overall program. It is a great resource to go to as things come up. I feel like it has improved our program in so many ways, not just by helping me to think about safety, but getting me into a practice of analyzing all aspects of the program and always striving to make it better. It helps me as a business that operates in a place where circus is not very well known to be able to point to something and say, yes, not only have we thought about safety and prioritize safety, but there is a whole national organization dedicated to circus education!”

~ Katherine Tesch, Director



Welcome New Safety Members!

We’d like to give a Circus sized welcome to Circadium our two newest Safety Network Members!
🎪 Circadium is a full-time, 3-year, professional training program for circus artists. We are the first school in the United States to be state-licensed, granting a Diploma of Circus Arts.  As a non-profit vocational college, we have the mission of cultivating, inspiring, and innovating contemporary circus performance in America.

🎪 Philadelphia School of Circus Arts, “Best of Philly Winner” for kid’s classes, is the region’s center of contemporary circus arts for all ages and abilities (ages 3 – adult). PSCA believes that circus classes are for EVERY body.  Seasoned faculty lead a curriculum featuring aerials (static trapeze, sling, aerial silks and lyra), flying trapeze, juggling, unicycling, tightwire, tumbling, acrobatics, pole, and physical conditioning.  In addition to ongoing classes, PSCA also offers introductory workshops, birthday parties, rental space, summer camp and special guest workshops.

Circus Boss Sales Workshop: Win the Work

Are you feeling overwhelmed on how to manage all your event entertainment inquiries?
Join Circus Boss, Tuesday May 31st, in a live virtual workshop where we’ll walk you through the steps to build an effective sales process for booking more events without feeling like a pushy salesperson! https://circusboss.com/salesworkshop


Circus Harmony Under the Big Top

Circus Harmony is excited to again have their St. Louis Arches youth circus troupe performing with Circus Flora under the big top in St. Louis from June 9 – July 3, 2022. Among the other performers will be Claire Wallenda, a former St. Louis Arch who now walks wire with the Flying Wallendas. Following that, the Arches are thrilled to be heading to Montreal to participate in the Montreal Completement Cirque festival!


Circus Harmony will also be running summer programming for local St. Louis organizations while holding their own summer camps, classes, and daily performances in their City Museum home. Circus Harmony is always looking for circus teaching interns, learn more at https://circusharmony.org/work-with-us/. They are also still interviewing itinerant performers who can also teach. If interested, email CV to circusday@circusharmony.org.


5th Annual MyKingstonKids Fest

The 5th annual MyKingstonKids Fest is all about the circus! Featuring a parade and performances from Bindlestiff Family Cirkus, this event provides an opportunity for children of all ages to enjoy an exciting day of activities and circus arts. Your children will be amazed, excited and engaged. Costumes are encouraged! Free registration is encouraged but not required to attend.
Sat, May 21, 2022
11:00 AM – 4:00 PM EDT
Barmann Park, Kingston, NY
More info: https://mykingstonkids.com/index.php/2019-05-24-19-04-28/kids-events-kingston-ny


Catch ALOFT’s Brave Space at Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Aloft is overjoyed to announce that “Brave Space” will perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival at the Underbelly Circus Hub! Performing alongside companies like Circa and Cirque Alfonse, this is an incredible opportunity to share the inventiveness and creativity of US circus with an international audience.
After two years thwarted by the pandemic, the dream is finally coming true. However, taking a cast of 8 (plus equipment!) across an ocean is no small task. Aloft is fundraising to offset costs. There are awesome thank you gifts, plus you’ll know you are helping spread the innovations of American circus around the globe! Planning on attending the fringe? Tickets are on sale now through the Underbelly website. Thank you for supporting this endeavor by donating, buying a ticket or just sending good vibes! It really means the world!
Please donate here to help us take this next step in our journey.


Ticket Sales are Now Open for the Circus Smirkus 2022 Big Top Tour!

The 2022 Big Top Tour show is called On the Road Again in celebration of taking our nonprofit youth circus back on tour. Come see the joy of 30 circus youth ages 11-18 perform under our beautiful Big Top on tour across New England. Full details at www.smirkus.org/about-big-top-tour/
★ Greensboro, VT: July 2
★ Essex Junction, VT: July 6, 7, 8 & 10
★ Hanover, NH: July 13, 14, 16, 17 
★ Marshfield, MA: July 20-23
★ Waltham, MA: July 26-August 1
★ Newbury, MA: August 4-5
★ Kennebunkport, ME: August 9-10
★ Greensboro, VT: August 13-14


CSAW Circus School Application Deadline Mastersheet

Are You, Your Students or Your Kiddos Getting Ready to Audition for Circus Schools This Year? CSAW is Here to Help!
CSAW – Connecting Circus Students Around the World has released their 2022 Circus School Application Deadline Mastersheet! Click here: https://bit.ly/csawcircusschoolsheet
This spreadsheet includes:
• Circus schools
• Links to applications
• Application deadlines
• Audition dates
• The CSAW Ambassador for the school 
• How to contact that ambassador! 
• What is a CSAW Ambassador? 
A CSAW Ambassador is a current student of their international circus school. They are here to support you through applying, auditioning and attending circus school. If you have a question about a school just send the Ambassador an email or a DM and get an honest answer from a student of that school asap!
There are currently 16 CSAW Ambassadors to help future circus generations. You can find all of the current CSAW Ambassadors by clicking here: https://www.csawcircus.org/ambassadors


Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center: Summer Circus & Dance Creation Lab Auditions

The Summer Circus & Dance Creation Lab is a two-week program that culminates in a performance.  Students will have the opportunity to take technique classes in dance and circus such as contemporary dance, jazz, hip-hop, aerial silks, trapeze, lyra, juggling, and acrobatics. Students will have the opportunity to choose their technique classes for the two weeks.  Pending on the goals of the students (see Audition Form), we have the capacity to include faculty in other disciplines such as African Dance, Latin Dance, Cyr Wheel, and Aerial Straps.

When: July 18 – 29 (2 weeks) | Performance July 30
For Ages 8+
*Virtual Audition Required
Deadline: April 22 or when all spaces are full ​
Get more details at: https://www.cltcirquedancecenter.org/summercreationlab


Frequent Flyers Aerial Dance presents the 24th International Aerial Dance Festival

Frequent Flyers Aerial Dance presents the 24th international Aerial Dance Festival 2022: July 31-August 12. Boulder, CO.
3-Hour Immersions, 90-Minute Classes, Workshops, Panels, Performances, and more in person in Boulder, CO! Learn more about the festival and this year’s incredible Faculty Artists Here.
First come – first served. This is your opportunity to get your spot in classes first! Register Here.


Nimble Arts Workshops are back!

June 20 – 24: Nimble Arts Introduction to Teaching Aerials hosted by NECCA in Brattleboro, VT for anyone embarking on or expanding your teaching practice.  Learn the foundations including spotting, skill progressions, classroom management, posture analysis, injury prevention etc.


July 2-7: Tree Dancing Workshop in collaboration with certified arborist, in Weare, NH. Learn the ropes of how to ascend into trees and dance with them in this outdoor combination of aerials, harness dancing and creativity.  Great for beginners and experienced movers alike this workshop is excellent for generating environmentally focused creative material within the natural landscape.


For info & registration visit: http://nimblearts.org/upcomingworkshop


Circus Smirkus Camp Registration is OPEN!

At Smirkus Camp, kids develop new ways to challenge themselves, learn skills like teamwork and problem solving, get terrific physical conditioning, and enjoy fun summer camp traditions like singalongs, costume themed dinners, kickball, and more!
This summer, Circus Smirkus is offering the following sessions at Smirkus Camp, including placement-based camps that require a video submission, as marked with ★ below:
Smirkling Camp | 1 day | June 18 | Ages 5-11
All Levels Circus Camp | 1 week | June 19-June 24 | Ages 8-16
All Levels Circus Camp | 2 weeks | June 26-July 8 | Ages 8-16
Intermediate Camp | 2 weeks | July 10-22 | Ages 12-18
★ Intermediate Skills Intensive | 3 weeks | July 24-August 12 | Ages 12-18
★ Advanced Ensemble | 3 weeks | July 24-August 12 | Ages 12-18
★ Advanced Individual Acts | 3 weeks | July 24-August 12 | Ages 12-18
Get more information and sign up at www.smirkus.org/camp-sessions


Flying Gravity Circus Introduces High School Circus Studies Program

WILTON, NH — Flying Gravity Circus (FGC) is partnering with High Mowing School (HMS) to offer the residential Circus Studies Program (CSP). Aspiring circus artists get:

  • A liberal, arts and sciences high-school education, and
  • Training in physical and artistic circus skills and performance.

“This is the only program like it in the United States — and is a culmination of years of planning and a decade of dreaming,” says Jon Roitman, FGC artistic director and CSP program director. 

The CSP includes:

  • Academic Classes: math, science, English, world language
  • Growing Circus Curriculum: sports psychology, nutrition, anatomy, career management
  • On-Site Circus Training: in our fully equipped studio
  • Performance: in FGC’s advanced troupe 

CSP graduates will have the academic credits required by traditional colleges, plus the skills to apply to a circus college or support a performing arts career.  

Learn more at www.highmowing.org/circus.

Circus Harmony Shows

Circus Harmony was excited to present their first in a series of shows sponsored by the St. Louis Regional Arts Commission and the City of St. Louis’ Downtown Engagement and Public Safety Initiative at the central branch of the St. Louis Public Library. These shows will be presented at various venues and events throughout downtown St. Louis as part of the plan “to activate downtown’s cultural potential while improving public safety.” Follow their social media for announcements of our future DEPSI shows!
Circus Harmony congratulates their alumni, the K.O. Duo, Kyran Walton and Oliver Layher, on their graduation from Ecole Nationale de Cirque and their first professional booking with 7 Fingers!


Game of the Month: Aerial Ro-Sham-Bo (Rock Paper Scissors)

Brought to us by Tara Jacobs and Natalie Keller
Materials Needed: Two aerial fabrics, each with landing mats underneath
How To Play: Players should have already been taught how to invert on the fabrics from standing on the ground and be able to do so without a spot. (‘Tagging’ the fabric with toes to complete the inversion is acceptable). Players may wrap for better grip or put on ‘wrist locks’. Two players stand underneath their own aerial fabric, with a landing mat underneath. They both chant, “Rock, Paper, Scissors, Hup!” On ‘Hup’, both players invert into the position of their choice:


  • tuck (rock)
  • straddle (scissors)
  • straight/hollow body/arrow (paper).

Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, paper beats rock. If tied with the same position, repeat. Can play for a single round or ‘best of three’.


Tips: Players should have already been taught how to invert on the fabrics from standing on the ground and be able to do so without a spot. Decide if ‘tagging’ the fabric with toes to complete the inversion is acceptable. 

Variations: Don’t have aerial equipment as part of programming? Create your own rock/paper/scissors for juggling, unicycle, or German Wheel! You can have students come up with the movements and what beats what! 

CSAW Microgrants for US Circus Artists of Color

CSAW – Connection Circus Students Around the World met their fundraising goal for the second year in a row and it means that they can provide another year of Microgrants! To be eligible to apply for a CSAW Microgrant for US Circus Artists of Color you must identify as a person of color who is a citizen, resident alien, or permanent resident of the United States looking to further their education in circus and/or fund their circus related projects and needs. All applicants must be 14 years or older to apply for and receive a Microgrant. Applications are open from the 1st-15th of every month. For more information click here.


Discounts for AYCO/ACE Members

Want to get discounts with these awesome Circus vendors? Discounts are just another awesome perk of being an ACE member.  Become a member today!

Like discounts like this? The more our members use them, the more leverage we have as an organization to encourage companies to provide discounts!


AYCO News Article Submission

Interested in including your news or events relevant to the national circus community in AYCO/ACE’s newsletters? Send your submissions to communications@americanyouthcircus.org by the 2nd Friday of the month to be included in our monthly newsletter. Submissions should be no longer than 150 words, written in the third person, and include appropriate links and contact information if relevant. We cannot include PDFs or images, but we can link to them. Please also indicate if you would like your submission included in the AYCOgram (directed towards youth), ACE News (directed towards organizations and educators), or both.


Thank you to our Gold Members!


We Are The American Youth Circus Organization!




PO Box 1123, Easthampton, MA 01027

We are a nonprofit 501(c)3


Support AYCO with a Donation

Congrats to the April #AYCOPhotoContest winner Abigail! This stunning photo of her was captured in the original production, Belissima. In addition to aerial arts, Abby studies dance, musical theater and stilt walking. She is one of three coaches for the NCC Youth performing troupe, and the main coach for stilts classes.

From the Original Production of Bellisma Fata, written by Allison Barbari
Expression City Arts and Fitness
Nashville Circus Center


  AYCO Monthly Newsletter

AYCO Youth Membership costs $35 per year and is for anyone 21 and under and college students who are passionate about circus arts. This is your chance to plug into the national circus community, network and show off  your circus pride.


Membership benefits include:

Surprise swag mailed to your door three times a year
Eligibility to perform in AYCO event showcases
Discounts on events and merchandise
Monthly email AYCOgram newsletter filled with circus opportunities, news, and videos just for you!

Want to join? Grab an adult and click the button below!

⚖️ We Got Values, Yes We Do!

In the spring of 2021, the AYCO/ACE Board of Directors embarked on the task of creating a set of values that would align with the mission of the organization, and continue to support and guide the work for the future. Over the course of the last year, the AYCO/ACE  advisory committees were invited to participate by contributing their ideas and perspective on what core values the organization has embodied in the past and should continue to reach for in the future. Along with suggestions from Board members, all input was evaluated and common themes and threads were identified. Finally, the Governance Committee of the Board crafted the statement. The culmination of this process is the Values Statement which the Board has officially adopted. Community feedback is welcomed, as we see this as a living process. (Please email info@americancircuseducation.org with any input.)

We are delighted to share with our community our newly established Values Statement! The AYCO/ACE community holds these values in making circus education a space where all are welcome and safe:
SAFETY: We affirm that physical, socio-emotional, and psychological safety are rights of everyone in our community.
INCLUSION – We pledge to amplify and cultivate diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and identities in pursuit of equity.
COLLABORATION – We foster cooperation through clear communication, and collective action, to strengthen our interconnected community.
FUN – We delight in the joy of play, and in the creation of open minds, expressive bodies, and vibrant souls through circus arts.


💸 #TheFutureIsCircus Fundraiser

Over this past weekend, we celebrated World Circus Day by hosting our #TheFutureIsCircus Fundraiser! Together with your help, we were able to raise $1,315 to put torward the future of circus!


We are thankful to everyone that donated and shared this event. We could not have done this without YOU! Still want to donate? You can donate anytime here:


🤑 New Member Discounts

Exciting news! We just added another new discount to your membership perks! Our friends at Hoopologie are hooking you up with savings on hoop goodies! Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this email or check the Member Deals and Discount Center for details!


👥 Let’s Get Social!

Are you following us on social media? 👀 If not, hit that follow button so we can connect! We want to see more of you in our feed so we can send you social love and share your highlights, training gains, shows and more. You can follow us on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, where we like to keep you up-to-date with what’s going on in the world of circus, with our organization and members. Plus we like to share circus inspo, helpful resources and more. What are you waiting for? Click and connect!

Be sure to tag us using #AmericanYouthCircusOrganization and use our new hashtags: #WeCircusBetterTogether and #TheFutureIsCircus (You can follow these hashtags too!)


📅 EdCon 2022: Save the date!!

Mark your calendars, EdCon 2022 is on the way! We are planning for EdCon 2022 to be LIVE and in person at  Sky Candy in Austin, TX October 7-9th 2022!


We anticipate that travel and gathering will feel comfortable and safe by that time, and of course we will have specific COVID policies in place. There will be an online component for those that can’t attend, but we are so very excited to foster an event with physical workshops and face-to-face connections after such a long hiatus! More details to come! Registration opens May 1st!


🗣️ ACE Discussion Series 2022

The American Circus Educators Association is excited to present a bimonthly online discussion series for continuing education and professional development for circus educators. Each session is based on a particular topic and facilitated by a community expert in that topic!

Attendance is FREE to current ACE/AYCO members.
Non-members pay a small sliding-scale fee, $5-20.
Space per session is limited.

Sessions are one hour long, every other month on the second Tuesday, at 12pm Eastern Time/11am Central Time/10am Mountain Time/9am Pacific Time. The sessions are not recorded, in order to create a space where attendees are comfortable participating fully in discussion – though some of the facilitator’s introduction may be recorded and made available to registrants after the session. Check out the upcoming events below!

Tuesday May 10th, 2022: Supporting Students with Anxiety and Panic

This discussion will start with an expanded excerpt from the longer training “Unafraid – Mental Health Tools for Circus Communities”. We will discuss elements of anxiety and panic as adaptive traits, and what happens when they become overwhelming or disordered in circus students. Participants will leave with concrete tools for supporting their students who experience anxiety and panic, as well as tools they can use to soothe and ground themselves as needed.

New Hup Squad Blog Posts

Our HUP Squad has been hard at work this month, and have written four new blog posts with helpful and insightful circus information. Take a read! And be sure to share with a circus friend!  


Just Get Creative: An Interview of the Professional Juggler Jay Gilligan

Jay Gilligan is a professional juggler who just wrapped the New York City World Premiere of his show REFLEX: Unraveling 4,000 Years of Juggling. A juggler for 35 years, his show demonstrates how juggling can be more than just throwing and catching objects. His unique juggling style is incredibly impressive and quite beautiful. Continue Reading

10 Aerialists I Think You Should Follow:

Instagram is a great place to get inspiration for tricks you want to learn with your aerial coach, performance style ideas, and places you might want to train when you have the opportunity. I want to share some of my favorite aerial Instagram accounts. Continue Reading


WorkingThrough Obstacles with Circus:

Hi, my name is Marah. I’m a 14 year old acrobat from New York and I am legally blind. When I was 3 years old, my parents realized that I could read things up close but not far away. After taking me to a doctor they learned that my vision was severely impaired and that I would need to wear very thick glasses to see. . . For a while I thought that my vision would interfere with my ability to enjoy participating in physical activities. Since becoming an acrobat, I’ve realized that that doesn’t have to be the case. Continue Reading

Safety Spotlight

Aerial Physique focuses on offering online courses, in-person classes, teacher training programs, and valuable resources for aerialists around the world. Visit www.aerialphysique.com to check out their incredible programs
“The ACE Safety Network has helped our program thrive. The invaluable resources that are provided and the high standards held that help keeps our students and staff are well worth it. When it comes to safety it’s vital to be proactive versus reactive. ACE has been excellent at helping us stay on top of our game to provide a teacher training course that is both informative and thorough on the topics of safety, risk assessment and class etiquette.” Jill Franklin (founder)

Philadelphia Regional AYCO Festival

The Philadelphia Regional AYCO Festival hosted by Philadelphia School of Circus Arts is coming your way April 23, 2022!! It’s one day jam packed with circus learning, training and connection! Tap the link in our bio and get in on all of this fun and gains 👇🏾
This year’s festival includes:
🤹🏽 5 training workshops
🍽 Group Dinner
🤸🏽‍♀️ Festival showcase
🎪 Cirque Us Show
Yep, we’re doing all the things! Regional Festivals are hosted by our member organizations and are a great way to learn from different coaches, perform for your peers, and meet circus youth from your region!


NECCA Circus Spectacular On Demand

Starring guest artists from circuses around the world, this is a unique opportunity to see some of today’s most renowned high flying aerialists, acrobats, and jugglers in an event that raises funds for programming and outreach at the New England Center for Circus Arts.
This evening of incredible, world-class entertainment for the entire family features Ringmaster Troy Wunderle leading a cast that includes Mandy Hackman (aerial sling), Ripley Burns (antipodism), Elsa Hall (straps), Morgan Oldham (chair balancing), Alexis Hedrick (cyr wheel), Rachel Rees (rope), Liam Gundlach (diabolos), Ariana Ferber-Carter (contortion), and Caroline Wright and Rachel Barringer (duo lyra).
Circus Spectacular 2022 was recorded live on March 6, 2022 and now you can enjoy the show on demand from the comfort of your own home.
When: April 16 – April 30, 2022 | Where: Online – streaming on demand
Cost:  $15-50 | Purchase Your Ticket at: https://our.show/spectacular2022
Get a sneak peek at: https://youtu.be/R0eUr_VMxoE
For More Info Visit: https://www.necenterforcircusarts.org/about/circus-spectacular-on-demand/


Circus Smirkus 2022 Big Top Tour!

After a two year hiatus, the Big Top Tour is back on tour this summer! The 2022 Big Top Tour show is called On the Road Again in celebration of taking our nonprofit youth circus back on tour. Tickets go on sale May 1, 2022. Full details at www.smirkus.org/about-big-top-tour/
★ Greensboro, VT:  July 2
★ Essex Junction, VT:  July 6, 7, 8 & 10
★ Hanover, NH: July 13, 14, 16, 17
★ Marshfield, MA: July 20-23
★ Waltham, MA: July 26-August 1
★ Newbury, MA: August 4-5
★ Kennebunkport, ME: August 9-10
★ Greensboro, VT: August 13-14


NECCA Queer Circus Arts Fundraiser

Circus with a twist! Entertainment that bends the rules of gravity and more! Co-presented by Frog Meadow Farm and NECCA.
Join NECCA’s delightfully fun and mischievous fundraising event to bolster the Frog Meadow Queer Circus Arts Scholarship Fund for LGBTQ+ students at the New England Center for Circus Arts. Welcoming and open to LGBTQ+ and allies.
Begin with hors d’oeuvres, libations, special entertainment, a silent auction, and quirky fun followed by a special showing of the Capstone Circus Project from the graduating class of NECCA’s ProTrack – pushing the boundaries of contemporary circus theater – then stay for a Meet & Greet with the Artists following the show!
LGBTQ+ students are faced with discrimination that leads to housing, employment, financial and other disparities. This scholarship helps to close the gap and provide a safe and inclusive environment for queer circus students of all ages and backgrounds across all of our programs.
WHEN: May 6, 2022, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
WHERE: NECCA Trapezium
10 Town Crier Drive
Brattleboro, Vermont 05301
TICKETS: $50-250 https://our.show/necca/fundraiser
DONATE: https://necenterforcircusarts.asapconnected.com/#DonationID=714
BECOME A SPONSOR: https://necenterforcircusarts.asapconnected.com/#DonationID=834
MORE INFO: https://necenterforcircusarts.org/about/queer-circus-arts-scholarship-fundraiser/


NECCA La Prairie Des Talons

La Prairie des Talons is the Capstone Circus Project from the graduating class of NECCA’s ProTrack, pushing the boundaries of contemporary circus theater. Working with internationally renowned director Paúl Gomex, the talented acrobats, aerialists, jugglers and movers poised to burst upon the world stage, reflect on the collective quest of a generation in search of meaning and identity. It is an ode to the impermanence of life, and to this turbulent, COVID-challenged, rapidly changing world.
WHEN & WHERE: April 30, Claremont, NH | Claremont Opera House

May 7 & May 8, Brattleboro, VT | New England Center for Circus Arts

May 10, Derry, NH | Stockbridge Theater
TICKETS: $15-$30 https://our.show/lesprairie
MORE INFO: https://necenterforcircusarts.org/about/la-prairie-des-talons
ABOUT THE DIRECTOR: Paúl Gomex is a Venezuelan-American pluri-disciplinary performer and director. He is the founder of Clowns Without Borders Switzerland and 406Cirque, the Circus School of Bozeman, Montana.


CSAW Circus School Application Deadline Mastersheet

Are You, Your Students or Your Kiddos Getting Ready to Audition for Circus Schools This Year? CSAW is Here to Help!
CSAW – Connecting Circus Students Around the World has released their 2022 Circus School Application Deadline Mastersheet! Click here: https://bit.ly/csawcircusschoolsheet
This spreadsheet includes:
• Circus schools
• Links to applications
• Application deadlines
• Audition dates
• The CSAW Ambassador for the school 
• How to contact that ambassador! 
• What is a CSAW Ambassador? 
A CSAW Ambassador is a current student of their international circus school. They are here to support you through applying, auditioning and attending circus school. If you have a question about a school just send the Ambassador an email or a DM and get an honest answer from a student of that school asap!
There are currently 16 CSAW Ambassadors to help future circus generations. You can find all of the current CSAW Ambassadors by clicking here: https://www.csawcircus.org/ambassadors


Charlotte Cirque & Dance Center: Summer Circus & Dance Creation Lab Auditions

The Summer Circus & Dance Creation Lab is a two-week program that culminates in a performance.  Students will have the opportunity to take technique classes in dance and circus such as contemporary dance, jazz, hip-hop, aerial silks, trapeze, lyra, juggling, and acrobatics. Students will have the opportunity to choose their technique classes for the two weeks.  Pending on the goals of the students (see Audition Form), we have the capacity to include faculty in other disciplines such as African Dance, Latin Dance, Cyr Wheel, and Aerial Straps.

When: July 18 – 29 (2 weeks) | Performance July 30
For Ages 8+
*Virtual Audition Required
Deadline: April 22 or when all spaces are full ​
Get more details at: https://www.cltcirquedancecenter.org/summercreationlab


Frequent Flyers Aerial Dance presents the 24th International Aerial Dance Festival

Frequent Flyers Aerial Dance presents the 24th international Aerial Dance Festival 2022: July 31-August 12. Boulder, CO.
3-Hour Immersions, 90-Minute Classes, Workshops, Panels, Performances, and more in person in Boulder, CO! Learn more about the festival and this year’s incredible Faculty Artists Here.
First come – first served. This is your opportunity to get your spot in classes first! Register Here.


Nimble Arts Workshops are back!

June 20 – 24: Nimble Arts Introduction to Teaching Aerials hosted by NECCA in Brattleboro, VT for anyone embarking on or expanding your teaching practice.  Learn the foundations including spotting, skill progressions, classroom management, posture analysis, injury prevention etc.


July 2-7: Tree Dancing Workshop in collaboration with certified arborist, in Weare, NH. Learn the ropes of how to ascend into trees and dance with them in this outdoor combination of aerials, harness dancing and creativity.  Great for beginners and experienced movers alike this workshop is excellent for generating environmentally focused creative material within the natural landscape.


For info & registration visit: http://nimblearts.org/upcomingworkshop


Circus Smirkus Camp Registration is OPEN!

At Smirkus Camp, kids develop new ways to challenge themselves, learn skills like teamwork and problem solving, get terrific physical conditioning, and enjoy fun summer camp traditions like singalongs, costume themed dinners, kickball, and more!
This summer, Circus Smirkus is offering the following sessions at Smirkus Camp, including placement-based camps that require a video submission, as marked with ★ below:
Smirkling Camp | 1 day | June 18 | Ages 5-11
All Levels Circus Camp | 1 week | June 19-June 24 | Ages 8-16
All Levels Circus Camp | 2 weeks | June 26-July 8 | Ages 8-16
Intermediate Camp | 2 weeks | July 10-22 | Ages 12-18
★ Intermediate Skills Intensive | 3 weeks | July 24-August 12 | Ages 12-18
★ Advanced Ensemble | 3 weeks | July 24-August 12 | Ages 12-18
★ Advanced Individual Acts | 3 weeks | July 24-August 12 | Ages 12-18
Get more information and sign up at www.smirkus.org/camp-sessions


Flying Gravity Circus Introduces High School Circus Studies Program

WILTON, NH — Flying Gravity Circus (FGC) is partnering with High Mowing School (HMS) to offer the residential Circus Studies Program (CSP). Aspiring circus artists get:

  • A liberal, arts and sciences high-school education, and
  • Training in physical and artistic circus skills and performance.

“This is the only program like it in the United States — and is a culmination of years of planning and a decade of dreaming,” says Jon Roitman, FGC artistic director and CSP program director. 

The CSP includes:

  • Academic Classes: math, science, English, world language
  • Growing Circus Curriculum: sports psychology, nutrition, anatomy, career management
  • On-Site Circus Training: in our fully equipped studio
  • Performance: in FGC’s advanced troupe 

CSP graduates will have the academic credits required by traditional colleges, plus the skills to apply to a circus college or support a performing arts career.  

Learn more at www.highmowing.org/circus.

Circus Harmony Presents

Circus Harmony coaches present these shows in the City Museum ring: Elliana Grace’s This Is Why. Briland Schack-Farnell’s, Seaside Silliness. Hula hooping heroine, Maya Z’s self-titled show, Laura Lippert, hangs by and hangs things from her hair, and Sensational Sabrina’s Oh the Places I Will Go! https://circusharmony.org/calendar/


Game of the Month: Everybody’s a Star!

Materials Needed: Long rope – long jump rope or silk/sling/fabric work, too!

How to play: Everyone holds onto a long rope. They can move their hands on the rope, but they cannot change places with one another. The goal is to then form a five-sided star with the rope. They have 10 minutes, and there shouldn’t be any rope leftover at either end.

Variations: Start off easier with a triangle, square, then add the ultimate challenge of a star if students are younger or you are working with a newer group.


Skills: This game works on cooperation and better communication skills.

CSAW Microgrants for US Circus Artists of Color

CSAW – Connection Circus Students Around the World met their fundraising goal for the second year in a row and it means that they can provide another year of Microgrants! To be eligible to apply for a CSAW Microgrant for US Circus Artists of Color you must identify as a person of color who is a citizen, resident alien, or permanent resident of the United States looking to further their education in circus and/or fund their circus related projects and needs. All applicants must be 14 years or older to apply for and receive a Microgrant. Applications are open from the 1st-15th of every month. For more information click here.


Discounts for AYCO/ACE Members

Want to get discounts with these awesome Circus vendors? Discounts are just another awesome perk of being an ACE member.  Become a member today!

Like discounts like this? The more our members use them, the more leverage we have as an organization to encourage companies to provide discounts!


AYCO News Article Submission

Interested in including your news or events relevant to the national circus community in AYCO/ACE’s newsletters? Send your submissions to communications@americanyouthcircus.org by the 2nd Friday of the month to be included in our monthly newsletter. Submissions should be no longer than 150 words, written in the third person, and include appropriate links and contact information if relevant. We cannot include PDFs or images, but we can link to them. Please also indicate if you would like your submission included in the AYCOgram (directed towards youth), ACE News (directed towards organizations and educators), or both.


Thank you to our Gold Members!


We Are The American Youth Circus Organization!




PO Box 1123, Easthampton, MA 01027

We are a nonprofit 501(c)3


Support AYCO with a Donation

By Olivia Egerstedt

Instagram is a great place to get inspiration for tricks you want to learn with your aerial coach, performance style ideas, and places you might want to train when you have the opportunity. I want to share some of my favorite aerial Instagram accounts. I chose these circus performers due to their diversity of equipment, advocating of safety, and creative and unique content and skills that I believe set them apart from others you may see online.

  • Dan Saab (@dan_saab) 

Dan Sabb is a Las Vegas-based performer and coach specializing in hammock and lyra. He is known for his dynamic movements and exciting performance style. He creates fun engaging content that is unique to him.

  • Matthew Casey (@flyist.kid.in.town)

Matthew Casey is a lyra, trapeze, straps, and hammock performer and teacher based out of Las Vegas he’s known for his fast spins and dynamic sequences. He uses his platform to show his progress as well as his amazing and fast sequences.

  • Zoë Isadora (@moodystreetcircuskid)

Zoë Isadora is a 3rd generation circus performer based at her family gym in Massachusetts. She is best known for her slow, controlled movements and beautiful lines. She trains, performs, and teaches on silks, straps, lyra, and rope.

  • Aerial physique (@aeralphysique)

Though not a specific person, Aerial Physique is a studio site that advocates for safe practice and good technique. On their Instagram, they demonstrate progressions and skills to promote safety and help teach, as well as feature aerialists from around the world.

  • Camille Swift (@femme_fenix)

Camille Swift is an aerialist based in Chicago and specializing in trapeze and hammock. She is a teacher and performer who focuses on the importance of conditioning and technique. She is best known for her unique acts and interesting sequences.

  • Shannon McKenna (@the_artist_athlete)

Shannon McKenna is a silks performer and coach based in Georgia. She uses her social media to advocate for safe aerial practices. She emphasizes body positivity and the growth of strength within the aerial community. She creates unique and challenging sequences and demonstrates good conditioning and stretching practices that everyone can do.

  • Izzi Kessner (@cirquessner)

Izzi Kessner is a teen performer and instructor based in Los Angeles and specializes in straps, lyra, and rope. They create fun and engaging content and use their platform to help advocate for the rights of young LGBTQ+ individuals. 

  • Sarah Romanowski (@sarahromanowsky)

Sarah Romanowski is a performer and coach as well as a former Cirque du Solie performer. She specializes in silks, lyra, hammock and rope. She is known for her clean lines, beautiful choreography, and great technique. 

  • Audrey (@aerial.audball) 

Audrey is a lyra performer based out of Texas. She is known for her slow controlled movements and interesting unique sequences. She has clean videos that show a diversity of lyra skills.

  • Grace Good (@gracegood)

Grace Good is a self-taught circus performer skilled in many circus skills. She is known for her amazing and unique use of hoops, fire, and ball as well as amazing costumes. She travels, creating unique and fun content and performing in a variety of events. 

Instagram is a great place for inspiration and making connections in the aerial community. But it’s important to know your level of skill and to always train with safety in mind. Check with your trainer before trying new tricks. And if you do get inspiration from a performer you see on Instagram, or train with in real life, it’s always nice to tag and credit them if you post the trick or choreography online. 

Congrats to the March #AYCOPhotoContest winner Noelle. She has been a member of a youth circus named Circus Minius for 8 years. She is 15 years old. She is a sophomore in high school. Her other interests are volleyball and student government. This photo was taken at one of our weekly practices. The young man in the photo is Christian Kennedy. He is 18 years old and has been training with our team for 3 years.


📰 AYCO Monthly Newsletter

AYCO Youth Membership costs $35 per year and is for anyone 21 and under and college students who are passionate about circus arts. This is your chance to plug into the national circus community, network and show off  your circus pride.


Membership benefits include:

Surprise swag mailed to your door three times a year
Eligibility to perform in AYCO event showcases
Discounts on events and merchandise
Monthly email AYCOgram newsletter filled with circus opportunities, news, and videos just for you!
Want to join? Grab an adult and click the button below!


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