This year we have seven amazing intensives to offer.
Please use the schedule on the left to review all of the intensives. You can scroll over each one for full details about the content of the workshop and people involved.
The schedule on the left is just for easy viewing (later on in the summer you’ll use a similar schedule to actually sign up for workshops in advance). In order to actually register for intensives you’ll need to go here. If you’ve already signed up for the event – no need to worry – sign in to Amilia, add the intensive to your cart, and check out.
Things to look for:
Levels: In order to ensure a safe and creative environment we are very firm about our level requirements. Please consult our guide here to help figure out if an intensive is right for you.
Pre-requisites: A few workshops have special requirements- make sure you are comfortable with them before registering.
Ages: Workshop age ranges vary. Please be sure to check the age range before registering.
Timing: We have workshops that are 15, 12, and 9 hours long. The time you see to the left is when each one starts.